A Legacy Project: Following Harrell’s death in 1987, recordings of his lectures and sermons became treasured keepsakes and resources for former students. As the years went by, cassette tapes disintegrated and generations of Harrell’s students retired or passed away themselves – and the stories and passion that enthralled us and inspired us seemed almost certain to be forgotten.
But if there were a way to not just archive material, but get it out to a new generation in a practical, usable form, then maybe Harrell’s voice & legacy could live on. So, here it is! The Beck Blog is a place where both former students and new fans can access transcribed stories and rare recordings of this extraordinary professor and speaker. Here's what you'll find:
The Wisdom of Harrell Beck: stories, anecdotes, and prayers transcribed from keynote addresses and lectures.
Fully searchable: a source of themed material for use by preachers and public speakers.
An archive: Harrell had a gift of spinning the same story into a variety of situations, so those subscribing to the blog are encouraged to jump in with comments on the many ways Harrell was able to use the same story to make different points, what theme each story could be filed under, and any scripture passages that might tie in with stories or comments.
A community: Harrell was a professsor, prophet, and passionate friend. Those who had the privilege of experiencing what Walter Muelder called his "charisma and competence" will find connections to fellow Beck disciples.
A legacy: a source of information about the Massachusetts Bible Society’s annual Harrell Beck lecture series and the endowment of the Harrell Beck chair in Old Testament at Boston University.
Special Thanks: The cooperation of the Boston University School of Theology, the encouragement of the late Leila Beck, and the support of Harrell and Leila’s sons, David and Daniel Beck have been invaluable.
-- David Felten (STH 88)
Do you have Information, Anecdotes, or Recordings of Harrell Beck that you would like to share with the world?
Please contact us below and we will be in touch!